For a number of years he worked as a baker. On November 20, 1761, Captain Tiburcio Cosgaya arrived at Cisteil intending to put down the rebellion. According to a subsequent declaration of Luís Cauich, one resident of the town who did not accept Canek, and who later aided the Spanish authorities, the population kissed Canek's hands and feet as a sign of obedience. The rebels were meanwhile preparing their defenses and attempting to expand the rebellion to nearby villages. Classes are given in the 'MATUTINO ' time of the day. Classes are given in the 'MATUTINO ' time of the day. Eight confederates were hanged. 519 FRACC. The School JACINTO CANEK is an Educational Institution located in the town of Los Reyes Acaquilpan. But Canek and about 125 followers were then apprehended at Sibac. There he assembled a force of about 300 men who had also escaped from Cisteil. The sentence was carried out in the main plaza of Mérida on December 14, 1761, less than a month after the uprising began. Their contact data are: JACINTO CANEK In the skirmish that followed, Captain Cosgaya, five of his soldiers and eight Indians were killed. To inspire loyalty among his followers, Canek told them that he had been given magical powers and the aid of five brujos (medicine men). Canek told his followers that the ultimate victory of the Mayas was already written in Chilam Balam manuscripts. His followers went to the church and removed the statues of the Virgin of Guadalupe, along with other sacred objects. The School JACINTO CANEK is an Educational Institution located in the town of La Divina Providencia. Postal ZIP Code: 97160. Lands owned in common by the Mayans were taken and given as land grants in the form of haciendas to either the Catholic Church or to Spanish noblemen, interfering with the means of subsistence of the Maya. Jacinto Canek or Jacinto Uc de los Santos (c. 1731 in barrio de San Román, City of Campeche, New Spain – December 14, 1761 in Mérida, New Spain), was an 18th-century Maya revolutionary who fought against the Spanish in the Yucatán Peninsula of New Spain. When Canek learned of Pacheco's arrival, he brought together the chief men of the village, and they went to the tavern where Pacheco was staying. These items were brought to Canek, and he was crowned with the Virgin's crown and given a mantle and scepter. This was considered necessary because the Maya lands were agriculturally poor, and huge areas had been confiscated by the Spanish, leaving the Maya on the verge of starvation. Canek was born Jacinto Uc, but apparently adopted Canek to show a relation to past kings of the Itzas with that name. Postal address: CALLE 45 NUM. JACINTO CANEK . On November 19, Diego Pacheco, a Spanish merchant, arrived in Cisteil intending to collect some debts. Their contact data are: JACINTO CANEK Postal address: CALLE 45 NUM. In 1847 when rebellion again broke out (the Caste War), Jacinto Canek's name was a rallying cry. The priest, however, was not killed. The Spanish force of 500 soldiers met Canek and his cohorts on November 26, 1761 in the plaza of Cisteil, where 1500 Maya were arrayed in two entrenched lines. Classes are given in the 'MATUTINO ' time of the day. They teach the type of education known in Mexico as 'EDUCACION BASICA (PRIMARIA INDIGENA)' (in Spanish), and it is 'PUBLICO (FEDERAL TRANSFERIDO)' controlled. José Crespo y Honorato, governor of Yucatán at the time, attributed the rebellion primarily to the Spanish allowing the Maya Indians of the region to own firearms for hunting. Joaquín de Montserrat, marqués de Cruillas, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures,, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 August 2020, at 19:48. The School JACINTO CANEK is an Educational Institution located in the town of Mérida. Or don't you like it much? The following day, while the priest was saying mass, Canek raised a false alarm of fire, apparently to empty the church so that he could kill the priest. He studied Latin and history in the Franciscan monastery Convento Grande in Mérida, but was expelled for his rebellious spirit. Canek himself escaped with a small guard, fleeing to Huntulchac. PACABTUN (C. … Canek threatened to kill the priest, and the priest complained to the authorities. 519 FRACC. They teach the type of education known in Mexico as 'EDUCACION BASICA (PREESCOLAR GENERAL)' (in Spanish), and it is 'PUBLICO (FEDERAL TRANSFERIDO)' controlled. The Maya population was forced to work as slave labor for the conquering Spanish, while all traces of their cultural world, particularly temples and writings, were systematically destroyed by the Spanish. Classes are given in the 'MATUTINO ' … Jacinto Canek was born during the 18th century, just over thirty years after the Yucatán Peninsula fell to complete Spanish political control, with the conquest of the Itzas. This time the Maya were well organized and determined to drive the Spanish and Mestizos, their mixed-blood descendants, into the sea. On the following days sentences of 200 lashes and mutilation (loss of an ear) were carried out against 200 other participants. The village was burned, and 500 Indians were said to have perished in the blaze, including eight priests or leaders of the rebellion. For two years they pushed toward Mérida, taking town after town, finally laying siege to the capital itself. By November 12, Canek had been accepted as a leader by almost the entire population of Cisteil. Information and interactive map of the town of Mérida. The School JACINTO CANEK is an Educational Institution located in the town of Mérida. Historians believe that his upbringing, education, and subsequent ouster by the Franciscans contributed to Canek's bitterness toward colonial rule and the Roman Catholic church, as well as his identification with the Maya.[2]. The demand for tribute is not appeased by the poverty that locks up our comrades as in a jail, nor is the thirst for our blood satisfied by the continuous whippings that bite and tear our bodies to pieces. This ceremony accomplished its aims of endowing the newly crowned king with both royal and supernatural status among his people, attracting even more followers. However, the Mayas continued armed revolt against the Spanish into the 18th century, and after an interruption, into the early 20th century under Mexican jurisdiction. He knew nothing about the changed situation there. On that same day Canek was crowned king by his followers. PACABTUN (C. 52 ) The governor of Yucatán sent dispatches calling up militias, and ordering Indians throughout the province to be disarmed. He also believed that the rebellion against "God and king" was not spontaneous, but had been plotted for more than a year. Canek arrived in Cisteil, a village near Sotuta and 24 leagues from Mérida, on November 3 or 4, 1761. They teach the type of education known in Mexico as 'EDUCACION BASICA (PREESCOLAR GENERAL)' (in Spanish), and it is 'PUBLICO (FEDERAL TRANSFERIDO)' controlled. They teach the type of education known in Mexico as 'EDUCACION BASICA (PRIMARIA GENERAL)' (in Spanish), and it is 'PUBLICO (ESTATAL)' controlled. Crespo thought cultural celebrations were a danger to future peace in the region because they preserved the memory of ancient rites of the Maya religion. Do you like JACINTO CANEK? A major force under the command of Estanislao del Puerto and Cristóbal Calderón was sent out to surround the village to prevent reinforcements for Canek and his followers. Mérida (Municipality: Mérida, State: Yucatán) On November 8 he had an argument with the parish priest from Tixcacaltuyub, who was in Cisteil to say mass. After a short dialog between Canek and Pacheco, the merchant was killed. They were armed with three rifles and some spears. The Indians were expecting him. Now you can vote for JACINTO CANEK so that everyone knows it. The Itza kingdom was the last independent Maya state, submitting to the Spanish in Guatemala only in 1697. On November 19 or November 20, 1761, after a religious ceremony in the church, Canek spoke to the assembly in Maya: My beloved children, I do not know what you await to shake off the heavy yoke and laborious servitude in which the subjugation of the Spanish has placed you. Use these stars ("0" you like little, "5" you like a lot) to rate with your opinion. In hand-to-hand fighting, the better-armed Spanish triumphed. Their contact data are: JACINTO CANEK Postal address: PORFIRIO DIAZ NUM. The Spanish conquest of Yucatán ended in the late 17th century, with the fall of the Itza people, the last group of Mayas able to resist the conquistadors. In addition, arming the population of the Yucatán was not considered as risky as allowing firearms to Indians elsewhere in New Spain because of the recent peaceful history of the Maya. The governor also considered that failed conversion of the Mayas to Roman Catholicism along with leniency towards Maya culture contributed to the rebellion. Canek was condemned to death, to be "tortured, his body broken, and thereafter burned and the ashes scattered to the wind.". This last rebellion continued until the early 20th century. Jacinto Canek or Jacinto Uc de los Santos (c. 1731 in barrio de San Román, City of Campeche, New Spain – December 14, 1761 in Mérida, New Spain), was an 18th-century Maya revolutionary who fought against the Spanish in the Yucatán Peninsula of New Spain.[1].