Those with a medium income level prefer markets and tianguis. Precio medio rural de guayaba (2003= 100). For Coatepec de Harinas, the average yield was 28.56 t ha-1. Regarding the place of purchase, households prefer the following: People with high levels of income regardless of their house¿s size prefer the supermarket (Aurrera has the highest frequency). A problem that the producers are facing is the fall in real prices between 1980-2008, these decreased at an average annual rate of -1.24%, has led losses in profitability. variedades de guayaba en México (Padilla . Those with a medium income level prefer markets and tianguis. A simple random sampling method was used and applied a questionnaire with closed and open questions to 50 producers selected from ejidos and small property. Sampling theory of surveys with applications. Regarding the place of purchase, households prefer the following: People with high levels of income regardless of their house¿s size prefer the supermarket (Aurrera has the highest frequency). Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. In the state, the county of Coatepec de Harinas, has a planted area of, 1 988 ha, an average yield of 14.8 t ha1 and a production volume of 29 350 t. The study was conducted in 2007 to analyze the technical aspects of production and type of peach farmer. Los subsidios a la comercialización de granos y los ejidatarios de Guanajuato: ¿una vía para conservar su identidad como graneleros? Producción nacional de guayaba 2000-2008 (SIAP, 2009) De acuerdo con … Both, the producers and officials said that the mainreason for not adopt innovations and not working as a group, is primarily due to mistrust, and second is the ignorance and the third is the lack of time. The most important results were: 1) the cultivars of great impact are Temporalera M8 7 and Romaga F96. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. El cultivo de este producto se lleva a cabo por un poco más de 10 mil familias campesinas, en una superficie cercana a las 23 mil hectáreas (Tabla II). Those with low income levels, shop at flea markets and grocery stores. 1. Gómez. The sampling method used was a simple random sample with proportional allocation to the size of the stratum, which consisted of applying a questionnaire with closed and open questions to 50 ejidal (communal) producers and smallholders. All pink selections show: large fruits, 118.4 to 207.6 g, produced from 6.5 to 34.7 kg per tree, its sugar content varied from 10.1 to 13.1 ºBrix, C vitamin from 83.29 to 185.75 mg 100 g and lycopene from 0.54 to 3.28 mg 100 g. Its natural harvest season extended from September 1 to November 15. Previous research evidence increments of guava production with the pruning. Es muy conocida en el mundo entero por sus variadas cualidades, sobre todo por su alto contenido en vitamina C, su elevado coeficiente de digestibilidad y por la cantidad de calorías que aporta (Yam et al., 2010;Lakpathi et al., 2013; The State of Mexico is the third largest avocado producer nationwide, and has a planted area of 3611 hectares in 21 municipalities, representing a production of more than 23 000 tonnes per year, an amount that was reached in 2013, and generated about 281 million pesos. However, there is not a clear increasing tendency in the intensity of this practice, because the obtained results were different in terms of the cultivar investigated, plantation density, season and climate. Your name. … According to the statistical analysis, certain characteristics are required if wanted to be part of the competition within this market: a) the guava should be of medium size, medium consistency and no freckles on the outside; b) the peach should be of medium size, medium consistency, reddish color and seed glued to the pulp; and c) the Hass avocado, exceeds the consumers preference over the Creole and Fuerte varieties; as it has a hard shell and easy detachment, households prefer the medium size. Search. At the same time, food self-sufficiency, balance of trade, gross domestic product of agriculture (GDPA) in relation to GDP, per capita nominal GDPA and productivity wages, showed a significant tendency to decrease, so that, macroeconomic fundamentals will not be an appropriate pillar to improve agricultural competitiveness in the analyzed context. The goal of this research was to identify the factors that favor or limit the use of bred wheat cultivars that have been developed by the breeding program of the National Research Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP). Find: Previous. Propagación 5. Figure 3. 2010. En zonas cálidas con precipitaciones bien repartidas durante todo el año se logra una producción continua. Guardar mi nombre, correo y pagina web en este sitio para comentarios futuros. Presentation Mode Open Print Download Current View. 2nd revised ed, Hacia una cafeticultura moderna y sustentable, Proyección económica de unidades representativas de producción en caprinos en la comarca lagunera, México, Tipología del productor de aguacate en el Estado de México, Market research of avocado, guava and peach in Mexico city, Mexico. Rentabilidad de chile manzano (Capsicum pubescens R Y P) producido en invernadero en Texcoco, Estado de México, Rentabilidad de hortalizas en el Distrito Federal, México, Aspectos técnicos y caracterización del productor de durazno en el Estado de México, México, Determinación de la competitividad del sector agropecuario en México, 1980-2009, Estudio de caso del impacto de la transferencia de tecnología en trigo del INIFAP, CARACTERIZACIÓN DE SELECCIONES DE GUAYABA PARA EL BAJÍO DE GUANAJUATO, MÉXICO, ESTUDIO DE MERCADO DE AGUACATE, GUAYABA Y DURAZNO EN EL DISTRITO FEDERAL, MÉXICO, Características fisicoquímicas y fisiológicas de frutos de guayaba de los tipos Criolla Roja y San Miguel procedentes de dos plantaciones comerciales. 201, Sangerman-Jarquín. In comparison, "Media China" shows a mean weight of 48 g per fruit, 11.6 ºBrix, 231.49 mg 100 g of C vitamin, 0.53 mg 100 g of lycopene and a natural harvest season from November to January. The aim of this paper was to analyze macroeconomic indicators to quantify the competitiveness of agriculture in Mexico and its tendency, within a framework of trade liberalization. [Carlos E Aponte; University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez Campus). Se aplicó una encuesta para, (private and ejido), agronomic (pests, diseases and weeds, el proceso del cultivo; del mismo modo, se estudiaron las, de los productores con la aplicación de agroquímicos; así, the producers surveyed regarding ownership, we, produce and distribute them in the market (A, 2011) in this sense, 75.9% of the farmers, cal agrícola y abono orgánico de res (Adams, frecuencia en los casos estudiados fue: aspersión, goteo y, tres formas de aprovechamiento: 1) las que utilizan, que los requerimientos de agua para este cultivo son de. Iowa State University Press. municipalities Temascaltepec and Coatepec de Harinas, in the State of Mexico in 2010. Plagas y Enfermedades 6.1. Palabras clave: granos, ejidatarios, ocde, mercadeo. According to the data provided by the respondents, in the, The farmers plant the variety Media China based on their, experience and knowledge of the fruit, combining factors, The producers in the municipality of Temascaltepec have, Coatepec de Harinas have yields from 11.50 t ha, and national average, it appears that it almost doubles the, In this research, we confirmed this, as the producers have, En esta investigación, se confirma lo anterior, ya que los, alto porcentaje (42.2%) en relación al total nacional, que, ha y en la cosecha de $1 000.00 a $10 300.00 ha. Posteriormente de realizada la primera poda del árbol de guayaba antes de cultivarla, pasa un total de 8 meses aproximado para que vuelva a dar fruto. et al., 2009). In relation to farmers, there is a need to promote their organization seeking to secure financial support for production and timely marketing, to facilitate the direct sale to consumers or to wholesale and to add value to their product. Email. Es una especie nativa de América Tropical, su centro de origen es Brasil o algún lugar entre México y Perú, de acuerdo con algunos investigadores. By making a comparison of the profitability of the production between México and the United States of América it can be seen that, Mexican growers make a much lower profit than the U.S., even though, the production costs are lower, due to a low yield in the Federal District. The method used was simple, random sampling, conducting open and closed questions to 50 ejido farmers and smallholders in the municipalities of Temascaltepec, and Coatepec de Harinas in 2008. Share of value of the State production in the national. / / ×. El cultivo de la guayaba en Puerto Rico. Cultivo y cosecha de guayaba Prácticas Seguras en el Sector Agrícola 15 Exposición a temperaturas elevadas durante la jornada de trasplante • Sombrero de ala ancha - Para labores realizadas con un índice de temperatura de globo bulbo húmedo mayor a 25.9 y hasta 27.8 grados centígrados, el tiempo de máxima exposición es de cuatro horas por igual número de horas de recuperación, sujeto a períodos … Contenido de la Guía Practica para Cultivar Guayaba. The objective of this research was to analyze the technical and socioeconomic aspects ofthe production of guava in the State of Mexico. The agricultural sector in Mexico is becoming less competitive, since there is a growing food import, which implies the existence of reduced ability to produce and distribute them in the market. Those with low income levels, shop at flea markets and grocery stores. En el INIFAP, se inició la recolecta de material en la región Calvillo-Cañones desde la década de los 80s, realizando The rate of adoption of innovations (INAI) of the farmers from the Federal District was 15%, which is considered quite low. Así mismo, el análisis de sensibilidad permitió observar que soportaría un aumento de 5 y 10 unidades en la tasa de interés y que los precios se mantuvieran normales, además, el proyecto permite un descenso en 5 y 10% de los precios pero sin que la tasa de interés se modifique. When compared with state and national average, was observed that the amounts duplicate, since state yield is 13.01 t ha-1 and 13.39 t ha-1 nationally. Go to First Page Go to Last Page. Highlight all Match case. The objectives of this research was: 1) to identify the variables that influence the tastes and preferences of urban consumers, when buying avocado, guava and peach; and 2) to relate the income levels and size of urban households with the purchase of fresh avocado, guava and peach in 2009. One problem facing avocado producers is the fall of real prices from 1980 to 2010; these decreased at an average annual rate of -1.24%, which implies a loss in profitability of producers. cultivo ha tenido un desarrollo elevado en las 2 últimas décadas, ya que para 1978 se estimaban en el Estado 418 ha (Almaguer 1997; Lara 1988) y en el 2001 6,306 ha plantadas de guayaba, con una producción de 101,693 toneladas, con un rendimiento promedio de 16.1 ton/ha (SAGARPA, 2003). Deja un comentario Cancel Reply. Regarding the economic gain, the benefit-cost ratio for 2008 indicated that 0.38 of profit is obtained for each product unit sold. Embed. When comparing these yields to the State average and national figures it's shown that are duplicated, since the State yield is 13.01 t ha-1 and 13.39 t ha-1 nationally The producers have irrigation and technical assistance in a high percentage (32.2%) compared to the national total, 0.95%. In Temascaltepec average yields of 24.9 t ha-1 were obtained. According to the statistical analysis, certain characteristics are required if wanted to be part of the competition within this market: a) the guava should be of medium size, medium consistency and no freckles on the outside; b) the peach should be of medium size, medium consistency, reddish color and seed glued to the pulp; and c) the Hass avocado, exceeds the consumers preference over the Creole and Fuerte varieties; as it has a hard shell and easy detachment, households prefer the medium size. Seven selections of pink flesh color were characterized, their IDs are: 23-1, 26-8, 23-5, 25-5, 21-17, 22-11 and 25-9 and one with white flesh; 21-9. Description. Producers count with irrigation and technical assistance in a high percentage (32.2%) compared to nationwide , which was 0.95%; despite the high yields, producers mentioned, problems with the technology as it presents a delay, especially in pruning, fertilization, irrigation, harvest schedule, plus the lack of pest control. Participación del valor de la producción estatal en el nacional. Gorras de Agronomía. Evaluación de variedades, Schwentesius, S. R.; Nieto, M. C. y Cuevas, S. J. PDF | On Oct 1, 2012, Gerhard Fischer and others published Guayaba (Psidium guajava L.) | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Los indicadores financieros que se obtuvieron son: VAN= $799 594 88; RB/C= 2.07; TIR= 45.53%; estos resultados manifiestan que esta actividad productiva ha sido rentable y viable. Sin embargo, el estudio de ejida-tarios que cultivan tierras con buen potencial productivo muestra las enormes limitaciones de estos programas para lograr dichas metas. Evaluación de las selecciones de guayaba . Correo de contacto:, @2020 - All Right Reserved. This is the main reason for low yield and reduced profitability. Ames, Iowa. Guía técnica del cultivo de guayaba. The study was conducted at the Bajio research station, Celaya, Guanajuato, during 2007 and 2008.
Figure 2. The results indicated that major technical problems were: agronomic management, fruit quality, size of the orchard and the markets in which they sell their product. PDF | The objective of ... México índices de precios de genéricos para producción total de guayaba. Resumen: En este trabajo se analizan los principales programas de apoyo a la comercialización de granos impulsados por el gobierno mexicano en los últimos años, caracterizados por la disminución cre-ciente de su ámbito de influencia, su exclusiva orientación a las regio-nes de agricultura comercial, su focalización a un número cada vez menor de productores y su falta de continuidad. Considerando que el cultivo de guayaba tiene amplias perspectivas, ya que su aprovechamiento no solo es como fruta fresca, sino también en jaleas, conservas, pastas, ate, bebidas enlatadas; al aumentar su rendimiento y producción podría presentar una variante en el consumo domestico de este tipo de alimentos. The study was conducted during 2006 in the Nanacamilpa county, Tlaxcala, Mexico, where wheat cultivation is an important component in the families' economy. Figure 1. Se encontró que la producción a campo abierto y de invernadero ha ido en aumento. The selected trees were grown from seed obtained from an open pollinated collection of guava trees from Brazil and Mexico. and financing for both, during production and marketing. Trade liberalization has not resulted in increased competitiveness, but it can be improved by giving priority to food sovereignty by strengthening its domestic market and investing in public goods. Pruning is a very important practice to get good yields from guava tree. Submit Close. El manual contiene todo los temas necesarios para realizar el cultivo de guayaba de forma exitosa, en los cuales destacan los siguientes puntos: Reason. Rural average guava price (2003= 100). Manejo del maíz en el estado de Tlaxcala, México: Rueda, B. M. C. 2009. O. Rotate Clockwise Rotate Counterclockwise. Page: Presentation Mode Open Print Current View. Generic price indices for total production of guava. In the State, importance of guava in the State of Mexico, until, value of production. In the state of Coahuila, which borders the USA and is the center of the region from which the pecan tree originated, there are 13 thousand hectares planted, Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. There are more homes for low and middle income who buy guava; conversely, the number of households buying peaches is higher as the income range increases. D. M.; Larqué, S. B. S.; Ramírez, V. with applications. All figure content in this area was uploaded by Rita Schwentesius de Rindermann, All content in this area was uploaded by Rita Schwentesius de Rindermann on Nov 25, 2014, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas V, El objetivo de esta investigación consistió, aspectos técnicos y socioeconómicos de la producción de, los productores manifestaron, problemas en la tecnología, conducting open and closed questions to 50 ejido, yields to the State average and national gures it’, (Yúnez and Barceinas, 2008). Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Por otra parte, reflexionar sobre la posibilidad de que, gracias a la existencia de estos programas que se inscriben en las políticas guber-namentales recomendadas por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico, los ejidatarios logren mayor competitividad y puedan integrarse de manera más ventajosa al comercio multilateral, lo que favorecería la conservación de su identidad como productores de granos y su reproducción social. 0 Comentario. Regarding the place of purchase, households prefer the following: People with high levels of income regardless of their house's size prefer the supermarket (Aurrera has the highest frequency). Fruit characters observed in the selections compete with those of the commercial varieties. Fructification Pruning in Guava Crop (Psidium guajava L.) and its Influence on Yield. Find items in libraries near you. DOWNLOAD PDF . Regarding the pruning intensity, several authors agree that pruning the end of the branch can be beneficial in terms of fruit production and quality, since severe pruning reduces fruit production. Inicio guia-cultivo-de-guayaba-pdf. The results clarified the marketing channels and the product sales margins, leading to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve technically the assistance to producers, to improve also the presentation of the product prior to marketing, and to support the processing of the nut in order to improve the performance of this production system. Document Properties… Find. No obstante, el déficit hídrico causa una sensible reducción del rendimiento y una disminución (en dependencia del tipo de suelo y el cultivar) del ciclo de vida de la planta. Tweet: 1. The revealed additive competitiveness was less than zero, with a decreasing trend. In the center of the country, the State of Mexico is third in the production of this fruit. The base information was a simple random sample consisting in the application of a questionnaire with open and close questions to 50 farmers. In addition, Zacatecas VT74, Mexico M82, Batan F96, Náhuatl F2000 and Tlaxcala F2000, all developed by INIFAP, were also used, 2) 60% of the farmers knows that INIFAP produces wheat seeds of improved cultivars, 3) farmers whom had used seeds from INIFAP indicated that the use of improved cultivars is beneficial due to higher yields and superior seed quality and, 4) the main production problems identified in the cereal were: weeds, pests and diseases throughout crop development, 5) the generation of technology in their own community is an important factor in its transference and adoption. Cultivo de Guayaba El tallo al principio es herbáceo presentando aristas y un color verde, a medida que madura se vuelve leñoso y desparecen las aristas y es de color café, alcanza alturas entre los 3 m. y 9 m. La corteza es delgada y lisa que cuando envejece se desprende en The fruit characters were: flesh color, weight, shape, seed content, titratable acidity, total solid content, C vitamin and lycopene. En el Estado el cultivo se ubica principalmente en la Morfología 3. Bogotá : D - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ©2009: Material Type: Document, Internet resource: Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File: All Authors / Contributors: Cecilia Lara Mantilla. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. A review was made from the available information on the topic in Cuba and abroad. es la desviación estándar del i-ésimo estrato de, Benjamin Gabriel bgaskine Gaskins Espinosa. EL SISTEMA SOCIOECOLÓGICO DE LAS HUERTAS DE GUAYABA EN CALVILLO, AGUASCALIENTES: SITUACIÓN ACTUAL Y PERSPECTIVAS. Comentarios. Share. Several authors proposed monthly pruning all the year, as well as, pruning at least three times a year. In terms of profit, benefit-cost ratio for 2010 indicates that 0.38 units of profit are earned for each product unit sold. The plant characters studied were: vigour, phenology, tolerance to the disease locally known as "clavo" (Pestalotiopsis psidii) and low temperatures. Those with low income levels, shop at flea markets and grocery stores. It is well known throughout the world for its varied qualities, especially for its high content of vitamin C, digestibility coefficient and the amount of calories (Yam et al., 2010;Lakpathi et al., 2013; ... La fruta es una fuente natural de vitaminas y minerales lo que la hace una de las más valiosas y apreciadas (Lakpathi et al., 2013). Los rendimientos unitarios promedio son de 13 toneladas por hectárea y con un precio en el mercado por arriba de 3900 pesos por tonelada (Senado de la República, 2007). The studied selections can be a complement for the commercial varieties in terms of fruit type and harvest season. Report "233cultivo de La Guayaba" Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. In terms of buying preferences, it was found that, the avocado, guava and peach, in households is determined by the level of income and household size, being the most significant variables: size, consistency and external color that each fruit may have. Cultivo de arándanos: niveles referencias para análisis de suelo y... Aguacate o palta: rendimientos, densidades, climas y suelos. Se incluyen temas de agricultura, agronomía, sustentabilidad, sistemas agropecuarios y todo lo relacionado al Agro. Next. For Coatepec de Harinas, the average yield was 28.56 t ha-1. Agricultural Extension Service.] They were selected by farmers using the mexican germplasm available in the central semiarid region of Mexico. The present paper had as objective to examine researches accomplished on the pruning of guava tree and its influence in the yield of this fruit tree. A. Composición química de un medio de cultivo a partir de guayaba agria (Psidium araca) y su relación con la nutrición de los microorganismos ruminales. Instructivo técnico para el cultivo de la guayaba las lluvias. InfoAgronomo.Net. The objective of this research was to determine the typology of avocado producers and was performed based on producers of two, The objectives of this research was: 1) to identify the variables that influence the tastes and preferences of urban consumers, when buying avocado, guava and peach; and 2) to relate the income levels and size of urban households with the purchase of fresh avocado, guava and peach in 2009. Those with a medium income level prefer markets and tianguis. with pecan trees distributed throughout the state; the purpose of this study was to characterize the production , marketing and value addition processes of pecan nuts in the northern part of the state (five springs region), in order to identify areas of opportunity that the actors involved can take advantage of for obtaining better benefits. Paquete tecnologico del cultivo de guayaba en PDF. México índices de precios de genéricos para producción total de guayaba. Download PDF (1 MB) Show more info. Gracias por visitar
However, other authors recommend the use of severe pruning for obtain higher yield. There are more homes for low and middle income who buy guava; conversely, the number of households buying peaches is higher as the income range increases. All rights reserved. Semilla de Canela y Esquejes de Vainilla y Pitahaya, Este sitio se dedica a compartir información de carácter agrónomico. Otro parametro digno de mencionarse son sus caracteristicas nutricionales elevadas en contenido de acido ascorbico, fosforo, calcio, hierro, tiamina, niacina y fivoflavina. Fitopatologia de G. N. Agrios, Libro en PDF 25 octubre, 2017. The objective of this study was to characterize eight guava selections: seven with pink flesh and one of white flesh, developed by the horticulture program of the National Research Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP).