Scipio lost 4,000–5,000 men, and 1,500–2,500 Romans and 2,500 Numidians were killed. [14] Hannibal ordered his second line not to allow the first line in their ranks. [8] Meanwhile, the Carthaginians breached the armistice agreement by capturing a stranded Roman fleet in the Gulf of Tunis and stripping it of supplies. Venning, Timothy & Drinkwater, John (2011). La entrada en combate de los veteranos de la guerra en Italia, desgastadas las menos numerosas tropas de infantería romanas, inclinó la balanza del lado de Aníbal, cuyas tropas empezaron a ganar terreno. [6]:271 He landed at Utica and defeated the Carthaginian army at the Battle of the Great Plains in 203 BC. Aníbal ordenó entonces a la segunda línea que impidiese activamente, por las armas si fuera necesario, que la primera retrocediera. Aníbal, que había ganado numerosas batallas en Italia operando durante 16 años en territorio enemigo, había sido derrotado en África, su tierra natal. Scipio's plan to neutralize the threat of the elephants had worked; his troops then fell back into traditional Roman battle formation. Bus: 2; Train: C-1; How to get to Calle Batalla de Zama by Bus? Tucker, 2010: 58; Delbruck, 1990: 370, 378. With this reinforcement the Roman front renewed their attack and defeated Hannibal's second line. [10], Hannibal's army consisted of 36,000 infantry, 4,000 cavalry and 80 war elephants, while Scipio had a total of 29,000 infantry and 6,100 cavalry. Los romanos realizaron la estrategia de abrir pasillos entre sus filas para dejar pasar a las bestias, aprovechando la ocasión para saetearlas. Neutralizado el ataque de los elefantes, la caballería romana y de sus aliados númidas maesilios (Numidia Oriental) comenzaron a perseguir a la caballería cartaginesa y de sus aliados númidas masesilios (Numidia Occidental). He created lanes between the regiments across the depth of his forces and hid them with maniples of skirmishers. Hannibal also employed 80 war elephants. La primera unidad estaba formada por 12 000 mercenarios infantes entre ligures, galos, mauritanos y baleares;[4]​[16]​ la segunda, por africanos y cartagineses, de los cuales había 10 000 ciudadanos que iban a luchar para defender su tierra,[17]​ y una legión de 4000 macedonios[18]​ al mando de Sópatro;[19]​ la tercera unidad estaba formada por 15 000 a 18 000 infantes veteranos de Aníbal,[4]​[17]​ en su gran mayoría brutios, directamente bajo sus órdenes. The Roman and Numidian cavalry subsequently defeated the Carthaginian cavalry and chased them from the battlefield. Sin embargo, Escipión había deducido su estrategia y decidió contrarrestarla mediante la imitación, por lo que él también ordenó formar una sola línea con los hastati, princeps y triarii, igualando así la longitud del ejército de Aníbal e impidiéndole envolverle. [8] Hannibal now charged with his second line. La batalla de Zama (19 de octubre del 202 a. C.) representó el desenlace de la segunda guerra púnica. Nesta batalla o exército da República Romana, liderado por Publio Cornelio Escipión o Africano, derrotou as forzas de Cartago lideradas por Aníbal. Roman right wing charges and routs the Carthaginian cavalry, followed by the Roman left wing routing the Carthaginian right wing. Defeated on their home ground, the Carthaginian ruling elite sued for peace and accepted humiliating terms, ending the 17-year war. A furious struggle ensued and the Roman hastati were pushed back with heavy losses. This also gave an edge in turn to Scipio, who relied greatly on his Roman heavy cavalry and Numidian light cavalry. Aníbal regresó a África desde el sur de Italia en auxilio de Cartago, que en aquellos momentos había perdido batalla tras batalla contra el ejército romano que había desembarcado en 204 a.C. bajo el mando de Publio Cornelio Escipión. The Carthaginian senate recalled Hannibal, who was still in Italy (although confined to the south of the peninsula) when Scipio landed in Africa, in 203 BC. The Carthaginians lost 20,000–25,000 killed and 8,500–20,000 captured. Esta derrota marcaba el final de la segunda guerra púnica. Nederlands: Animatie van de gebeurtenissen bij de Slag bij Zama Regia. Hannibal had 36,000 infantry to Scipio's 29,000. En ella se enfrentaron el general cartaginés Aníbal Barca y el joven Publio Cornelio Escipión, «el Africano Mayor», en las llanuras de Zama Regia. He came up with an ingenious plan to deal with them. Meanwhile, the rest of the elephants were carefully lured through the lanes and funneled to the rear of the Roman army, where they were dealt with. 2. Igualmente añadió un importante contingente de elefantes hasta un número de ochenta paquidermos, los que protagonizarían la carga inicial de la batalla. Confident in Hannibal's forces, the Carthaginians broke the armistice with Rome. Need a translated version? J.R.S., XLIV (1954), pp. The Battle of Zama was fought in 202 BC near Zama, now in Tunisia, and marked the end of the Second Punic War. At the outset of the battle, Hannibal unleashed his elephants and skirmishers against the Roman troops in order to break the cohesion of their lines and exploit the breaches that could be opened. Con ambos ejércitos frente a frente, los romanos soplaron los cuernos de batalla. Hannibal's third line of veterans, reinforced by the citizen levies and mercenaries, faced off against the Roman army, which had been redeployed into a single line. The battle took place at Zama Regia, near Siliana 130 km southwest of Tunis. At the same time, the Carthaginians recalled Hannibal's army from Italy. The Battle of Zama was fought in 202 BC near Zama, now in Tunisia, and marked the end of the Second Punic War. This would have allowed him to complete a victory with his reserves in the third line and overlap Scipio's lines. Scipio's soldiers avoided the elephants by opening their ranks and drove them off with missiles. Hannibal and the Carthaginians had relied on cavalry superiority in previous battles such as Cannae, but Scipio, recognizing their importance, held the cavalry advantage at Zama. Escipión finalmente desembarcó en África en el año 203 a. C. Unos cuantos años antes de la invasión, la decisiva victoria de Escipión en la batalla de Ilipa en Hispania en el año 206 a. C. había asegurado a Roma el control de la península ibérica. Batalla de Zama CONCLUSIÓN LO QUE NOS HAN LLAMADO LA ATENCIÓN... No había ejército en África para oponerse a Esciprión "SI hubiera vencido en Zama, sería el mayor general de la historia, por delante de Alejandro Magno" Aníbal. La batalla de Zama tuvo lugar en el año 202 a.C cerca de Zama en el actual Seba Biar, Túnez. A Roman army led by Publius Cornelius Scipio, with crucial support from Numidian leader Masinissa, defeated the Carthaginian army led by Hannibal. La caballería italiana de Cayo Lelio atacó, persiguiendo a los jinetes cartagineses fuera del campo de batalla. Scipio led a pre-Marian Roman army quincunx, along with a body of Numidian cavalry. In 205 BC Scipio returned to Rome, where he was elected consul by unanimous vote. Hannibal was first to march and reach the plains of Zama Regia, which were suitable for cavalry maneuvering. A batalla de Zama, librada o 19 de outubro do 202 a.C., foi unha batalla decisiva da segunda guerra púnica. Aníbal huyó con los restos de sus tropas. When Rome waged war again on Carthage about 50 years later, the Carthaginians had little power and could not defeat the by-then very aged Masinissa in Africa. After defeating Carthaginian and Numidian armies at the battles of Utica and the Great Plains, Scipio imposed peace terms on the Carthaginians, who had no choice but to accept them. Masinisa ordenó cargar a su caballería númida contra la menos numerosa de Tiqueo. The Roman second line joined the struggle and pushed back the Carthaginian assault. Scipio played for time as he redeployed his forces in a single line with the hastati in the middle, the principes in the inner wings and the triarii on the outer wings. The Carthaginian cavalry, acting on the instructions of Hannibal, allowed the Roman cavalry to chase them in order to lure them away from the battlefield so that they wouldn't attack the Carthaginian armies in the rear. [10], Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Army and Fleet of Publius Scipio's African Campaign: 204 BC,, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles needing additional references from October 2017, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 November 2020, at 19:46. Scipio was able to rally his men. Hannibal offered a treaty that would give up any claims to overseas territories to ensure the sovereignty of Carthage. Hannibal begins the battle with his war elephants charging at Roman front. Sin embargo, luego de perseguir a Tiqueo, tanto Masinisa como Lelio volvieron al campo de batalla y atacaron a los veteranos de Aníbal por la retaguardia, provocando su casi completa aniquilación y el final de la batalla. En ella se enfrentaron el general cartaginés Aníbal Barca y el joven Publio Cornelio Escipión, «el Africano Mayor», en las llanuras de Zama Regia. A Roman army led by Publius Cornelius Scipio, with crucial support from Numidian leader Masinissa, defeated the Carthaginian army led by Hannibal. The second line of citizen levies and the mercenaries' remnants assaulted and inflicted heavy losses on the Roman first line. 2. Los que no fueron alcanzados y muertos huyeron despavoridos hacia el desierto. This allowed the Romans to establish a casus belli for the Third Punic War when the Carthaginians defended themselves from Numidian encroachments in which the Romans did not intervene. Tras unos días regresarían a Cartago derrotados. [14] The battle finally turned in the Romans' favor when the Roman cavalry returned to the battlefield and attacked the Carthaginian line from behind. Lacus Curtius: Las guerras púnicas de Apiano de Alejandría, Zama: el final de la segunda guerra púnica,, Wikipedia:Artículos con datos por trasladar a Wikidata, Wikipedia:Artículos con coordenadas en Wikidata, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores LCCN, Wikipedia:Páginas con enlaces mágicos de ISBN, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0, 20 000-25 000 muertos y 8500-20 000 prisioneros. Only 55,000 survived. No obstante, Escipión y sus partidarios pudieron convencer al Senado de que ratificara el plan, y a Escipión se le dio la autoridad necesaria para intentar la invasión. [5] The Senate initially opposed this ambitious design of Scipio, persuaded by Quintus Fabius Maximus that the enterprise was far too hazardous. [12] Hannibal intentionally held back his third infantry line, in order to thwart Scipio's tendency to pin the Carthaginian center and envelop his opponent's lines, as he had done at the Battle of Ilipa. The treaty bankrupted Carthage and destroyed any chance of its being a military power in the future, although its economic recovery was quick. Scipio orders his cavalry to blow loud horns to terrify the charging beasts. Tanto Livio como Polibio coinciden en la cifra, aunque Tito Livio menciona que se utilizaron "más de" ochenta elefantes. [6]:270, Initially, Scipio received no levy troops, and he sailed to Sicily with a group of 7,000 heterogeneous volunteers. A játékmenet erősen épít a terület mozgatás és a kockadobás mechanizmusokra. [22]​ Sus acciones militares quedarían condicionadas a la autorización romana, algo que, junto con diversas humillaciones, terminaría desembocando en la tercera guerra púnica, en la que la ciudad de Cartago sería finalmente arrasada. After a close contest, his first line was pushed back by the Roman hastati. DATOS DE LA BATALLA Victoria aplastante para los A pesar de que Aníbal estaba en superioridad numérica al comienzo de la batalla, Escipión concibió una estrategia para confundir y derrotar a sus elefantes de guerra. La batalla de Zama (19 de octubre del 202 a. C.) representó el desenlace de la segunda guerra púnica. A Batalla de Zama egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 játékos részére. From Poligono Industrial Lo Bolarín, La Unión 57 min. In his second line he placed the Carthaginian and Libyan citizen levies, while his veterans from Italy, including mercenaries from Gaul and Hispania, were placed in the third line. Zama The Battle of Zama was fought in 202 BC near Zama, now in Tunisia, and marked the end of the Second Punic War. One third of Hannibal's army were citizen levies, and the Romans had 6,100 cavalry to Carthage's 4,000, as most of the Numidian cavalry that Hannibal had employed with great success in Italy had defected to the Romans. Hannibal led an army comprising Spanish mercenaries, Gallic allies, local citizens and veterans, and Numidian cavalry from his Italian campaigns. Hannibal's first line of mercenaries attacked Scipio's infantry and were defeated. They organized a defense of their home city which, after an extended siege, was captured and completely destroyed in 146 BC. Cundió el nerviosismo entre algunos de los elefantes, pues habían sido capturados recientemente, que retrocedieron en estampida contra la propia caballería númida de Tiqueo, creando un gran desorden. La alargada segunda línea cartaginesa avanzó, obligando a los hastati a retroceder, por lo que Escipión ordenó que avanzaran los princeps de la segunda línea. The two men are said to have met face-to-face before the battle. In addition, Scipio ordered the cavalry to blow loud horns to frighten the beasts, which partly succeeded, and several rampaging elephants turned towards the Carthaginian left wing and disordered it completely. Atacados desde los flancos por las lanzas de los legionarios, los elefantes murieron o retrocedieron hacia las líneas cartaginesas. Llegado el choque entre las dos infanterías, los supervivientes del ejército de Magón, la primera línea púnica, se lanzaron contra los hastati, acabando con gran número de ellos. Scipio reinforced the hastati with the second-line principes.[10]. Aníbal formó a sus treinta y siete mil infantes (cincuenta mil, según Apiano) en tres líneas, tres mil jinetes a los flancos y alrededor de ochenta elefantes[14]​ en el frente. Los romanos adoptaron la disposición clásica de batalla de la legión, denominada triplex acies: con los lanceros hastati en primera línea, los veteranos príncipes en segunda y los lanceros triarii, armados con lanzas largas, detrás. Este número de elefantes es mucho mayor que el que normalmente utilizaba Aníbal. Batalla de Zama is a "wargame", based on the battle at Zama 202 BC, where Annibal lost against Publio Cornelio Escipion. Again, it was not allowed to merge with the third line and was forced to the wings, along with the first line. Scipio and Hannibal rearrange their troops into a single line and the battle remains a stalemate until the Roman cavalry returns and attacks Hannibal's infantry from the rear. Los romanos capturaron también 133 estandartes militares y once elefantes. Por otro lado, entre las filas romanas hubo 1500 muertos[21]​ y 4000 heridos. Siguiendo este plan, se obligó a la primera línea púnica a dividirse en dos retroceder por ambos lados de la segunda, donde Aníba les instruyó a tomar nuevas posiciones. Este último combate permaneció igualado hasta que regresaron Cayo Lelio y Masinisa al mando de la caballería y el ejército púnico sucumbió, decidiéndose la batalla. The Romans failed to defeat him in the field and he remained in Italy, but following Scipio's decisive victory at the Battle of Ilipa in Spain in 206 BC, Iberia had been secured by the Romans. Las condiciones impuestas a Cartago fueron humillantes. El general cartaginés consiguió unir a los hombres que pudo traer de Italia, los restos del ejército cartaginés en África, los evacuados del ejército de su hermano Magón en Liguria, los cuatro mil soldados macedonios enviados por Filipo V y nuevos contingentes de caballería númida de jefes tribales que aún permanecían fieles a Cartago. Batalla de Zama Produïda el 19 d’octubre del 202 a.C, va significar la fi de la Segona Guerra Púnica. Licensing. It has simple rules: The units can move one to three spaces (depends of each type) and battles are resolved by dice rolls; thus modified by strength of the units (infantry, cavalry, elephant) and area. Date: 8 May 2015: Source: Own work: Author: Zirguezi: This file contains text that might be in a language different from your own. Hannibal experienced a major defeat that put an end to all resistance on the part of Carthage. [11] The first line consisted of mixed infantry of mercenaries from Gaul, Liguria and the Balearic Islands. Soon after Scipio's victory at Zama the war ended, with the Carthaginian senate suing for peace. The panicked Carthaginians felt that they had no alternative but to offer peace to Scipio, and having the authority to do so, Scipio granted peace on generous terms. Escipión formó alrededor de veinte mil legionarios, más catorce mil auxiliares y la caballería, que comprendía cuatro mil jinetes númidas traídos por Masinisa[15]​ y dos mil setecientos equites romanos. The resulting clash was fierce and bloody, with neither side achieving superiority. Hannibal moved forward with two lines; the third line of veterans was kept in reserve. Como consecuencia de la derrota en la segunda guerra púnica, Cartago sería forzada al desarme militar, y con la misma condición impuesta al ser derrotada en la primera guerra púnica, prohibiéndosele tener una flota de guerra, algo que rompía su estatus de potencia. Also, Carthage was to reduce its fleet and pay a war indemnity. [2] Putting his cavalry on the flanks, with the inexperienced Carthaginian cavalry on the right and the Numidians on the left, Hannibal aligned the rest of his troops in three straight lines behind his elephants. Entonces, la caballería romana de Cayo Lelio y los jinetes númidas de Masinisa, ya reorganizados tras la persecución de los jinetes de Tiqueo, regresaron en aquel momento al campo de batalla. 30-42 (en inglés), Según Livio, "más de veinte mil fueron muertos, y un número aproximadamente igual de ellos capturados". El campo se hallaba cubierto de sangre y cadáveres, de modo que los veteranos hubieron de mantenerse a la defensiva. The following transit lines have routes that pass near Calle Batalla de Zama. Hannibal waited for Scipio to attack. The remaining elephants are lured through the lanes and killed. In total, as many as 20,000 of Hannibal's troops were killed at Zama, while 20,000 more were taken prisoner. The bulk of them managed to escape and position themselves on the wings of the second line on Hannibal's instructions. Thousands of Carthaginians, including Hannibal, managed to escape the slaughter. Finally, Scipio's cavalry returned to the battle and attacked Hannibal's army in the rear, routing and destroying it. Scipio, now powerful enough, proposed to end the war by directly invading the Carthaginian homeland. Escipión, que ahora era lo suficientemente poderoso, propuso poner fin a la guerra al invadir directamente la tierra natal del cartaginés. [14] He believed that if he opened gaps in his troops, the elephants would simply pass between them without harming any of his soldiers. [7]:119, Scipio continued to reinforce his troops with local defectors. The Carthaginians no longer believed a treaty advantageous, and rebuffed it under much Roman protest.[9]. Hannibal most likely believed that the combination of the war elephants and the depth of the first two lines would weaken and disorganize the Roman advance. Tras esto, se desarrolló una batalla de infantería en tres fases, en la cual los infantes romanos fueron disgregando cada una de las dos primeras líneas cartaginesas, hasta que se produjo el encuentro con la tercera línea, formada por los veteranos italianos de Aníbal. [9] Los cartagineses formaron tres unidades, colocando a los ochenta elefantes al frente. The Carthaginian infantry was encircled and annihilated. The stronger right wing was composed of the Numidian cavalry and commanded by Masinissa, while the left was composed of Italian cavalry under the command of Laelius. [15] The attack was met by Roman skirmishers. 16. The elephants opened the battle by charging the main Roman army. Laelius, the commander of the Roman left wing, charged against the Carthaginian right. Esta página se editó por última vez el 14 oct 2020 a las 23:03. From Playa del Espejo, Los Alcázares 63 min . Crossing the Alps, Hannibal reached the Italian peninsula in 218 BC and won several major victories against the Roman armies. [16], Scipio now marched with his center towards the Carthaginian center, which was under the direct command of Hannibal. Los elefantes, lanzados a la carga contra la infantería romana, tuvieron un efecto limitado gracias a los pasillos que había dejado Escipión. Scipio and his supporters eventually convinced the Senate to ratify the plan, and Scipio was given the requisite authority to attempt the invasion. Scipio refused, saying that it was either unconditional surrender or battle. Carthaginian cavalry routed off the field. Contact the author and request a version of this image in a different language. Las unidades se encontraban separadas por pequeños pasillos que les permitían maniobrar, por los cuales debían escapar los hostigadores vélites cuando la carga cartaginesa se hiciera insostenible, al mismo tiempo que evitarían que los elefantes rompieran la formación. Carthaginian cavalry carried out Hannibal's instructions well and there was no sign of Roman cavalry on the battlefield. The panicked elephants turn on the Carthaginian left wing and rampage through it.